What people are saying about MLT Communication

To Whom It May Concern:

I first came to know Marlin through mutual training opportunities provided to our utilities, and I knew that his particular style and approach to customer interaction training as well as personal growth encouragement would be a benefit to members of our company’s office staff. His ability to draw the group’s attention and maintain that interaction throughout his presentation and personality is refreshing in a world consumed with self-proclaimed experts in the field of employment development and improving member/customer relation skills.

He tailored the training program for our group in order to improve specific areas that needed to be addressed to not only improve our members’ satisfaction but to improve professional relationships between co-workers. The employees in these sessions tend to be a hard group to reach in regards to seeing the potential and worth of training and continuing education, but I cannot count the number of positive comments and requests to utilize any more curriculum that Marlin and his team can present. They were able to relax and explore/learn their own personalities, the personalities of their co-workers, and how to better serve each other and, in turn, the membership as a whole.

I look forward to working with Marlin in the future and have the utmost confidence in his ability to help any group or organization with their training and professional development needs.

Zachary Flowers
Manager of Member Accounts

I would like to convey my very high satisfaction with the motivational presentation that Mr. Marlin Williams of MLT Communication made to a group of employees from the North Mississippi Regional Center. Mr. Williams has the ability to engage a diverse group of employees and to provide even the most seasoned staff with fresh insight on effective leadership techniques and stronger communication skills. His recent presentation was impressive and also resonated with the entire group. We hope to have him join us again soon and this time with a larger audience of NMRC employees who can benefit from his organizational wisdom and from other professional development topics that the MLT Communication team offers. Mr. Williams really took a genuine interest in the needs of the organization and developed his presentation to custom fit our individual needs. For these reasons, I would highly recommend Marlin and MLT Communication for future professional development opportunities.

Edith M. Hayles
North Mississippi Regional Center

To Whom it May Concern,

I am quite certain that in my 28-year career in municipal government I have heard numerous motivational speakers, either at the Mississippi Municipal League Conference or as a student in continuing my education. There is no doubt in my mind that Marlin is the very best I have heard.

We had the good fortune of bringing Marlin to the City of Batesville, where he led a class full of helpful information to communicate and grow. He has helped us to identify top issues and ways to better serve our city. Marlin has the ability to gain trust and respect immediately by virtue of the depth of his knowledge on issues facing communities in general.

Marlin delivered a message of hope, love, and compassion for our fellow co-workers and customers. When you hear Marlin speak you fully realize that there is nothing artificial about him. It truly comes from his heart, and he has a heart much bigger than life itself.

I feel privileged to be able to consider Marlin a true friend. It is with the highest regards that I recommend Marlin and MLT Communication for your employee training needs or any speaking engagement, and I wish him only the very best. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have, or I would be glad to discuss our training experience with you.

Susan S. Berryhill
City Clerk, City of Batesville

Irby Co

Dear Marlin,

I cannot say enough about the response that I have received from my TEAM about the “Now Is the Time” training session we held in Jackson recently. Your training has been by far the best team building exercise we have been involved in. I am confident that our communication as a group has improved tremendously in the short time we have started putting these skills into place.

Again, thank you so much for your suggestions and professionalism. We look forward to our next session with you.

Jeff Miller
District Sales Manager



Thank you for coming to our USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Area 1 All Personnel Meeting on December 6, 2017 at the Pontotoc MSU Extension Service.  This meeting included nearly 100 federal civilian workers, Soil and Water Conservation District Clerks and seven contract workers from twenty-three North Mississippi Counties.

Your presentation challenged each one of our employees to consider our Perspective. You were hilarious, yet spot on with your message. It was relative to all of us and your use of life experiences, whether your career adventures or your family life were intertwined in your presentation and captivated our attention.

The personality test we completed helped each of us learn our about styles. And after looking it over, we could tell if we were the lion, the beaver, the labrador, or the otter.  You also brought each of us a puzzle piece and helped us recognize that each of us must work together to accomplish our mission at USDA.  We may be different but we have special traits and talents that we bring to our workplace and together we can accomplish much.

I wanted to personally thank you for making time for us in your busy schedule. It was extra special to me that a former classmate could entertain, educate, and motivate my work family. Your friendship is a treasure and I wish you much success in your coaching venture with MLT Communication.

Christy Robinson
Area Conservationist
Area 1-Tupelo

Hinds County School District
I can tell you from 4.5 years of working with her that Tracy is the most positive, energetic, passionate teacher of children and adults I’ve seen. She is always uplifting, encouraging, and challenging others around her. Her ability to reach and engage people of all ages is inspiring. I can honestly say that spending any time with Tracy will leave one feeling like he/she can be successful and conquer any task faced.

Rebecca Goysich
Special Education
Hinds County School District


To Whom It May Concern:

Marlin Williams is one of the best speakers I have had the pleasure of hearing. Marlin was asked to present at the Northeast employee general assembly before the beginning of the Fall 2017 semester. He delivered an outstanding message that encouraged each of us to be our best, both personally and professionally. He had the audience laughing and truly inspired. His presentation has received praise from many of our faculty and staff members. Marlin has an exceptional ability to relate to his audience and a sense of humor that keeps everyone engaged. He has a true passion for what he does, which was evident in his presentation.

In conclusion, if you are in the market for a motivational speaker, I give my highest recommendation to Marlin Williams. He is professional, energetic, and has the flexibility to tailor his presentation to the specific needs of your organization. I was very pleased with Marlin; it was a great way to kick off our new school year.

Christopher D. Murphy
Vice-President of Finance

Council for Exceptional Children

When I think of motivation, character, and confidence, I think of Lindsay Brett. From the first time I met her, until my mind is gone, Lindsay Brett will forever have a special place in my heart. Lindsay will motivate, encourage, and challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and help you become a better, more productive person.

Bobby Richardson
Council for Exceptional Children

Desmond Purnell

To Whom It May Concern:

Broadcast Television is an extremely competitive and subjective industry. I feel fortunate to have Marlin Williams in my corner to help navigate through this challenging profession. His knowledge, work ethic, and passion for broadcasting and public speaking have been a huge aid in my progression.

Marlin has decades of experience in public speaking and broadcasting. He used that knowledge to help me with my broadcast writing, vocal awareness, and articulation. Marlin took a lot of time out of his schedule to help me during the early stages of my career. He answered the phone and met with me in person to help fine-tune my craft, when so many others would not.

I have been fortunate enough to receive numerous broadcasting awards, including two Emmy Awards. I have worked nationally for Fox Sports Networks, NFL Network, and currently ESPN. None of these accomplishments would be possible without the excellent coaching and steadfast support of Marlin Williams. He has my strongest recommendation and utmost respect.

Desmond Purnell
ESPN On-Air Personality

If you are in the market for employee training, I would highly recommend Marlin Williams for your customer service and manager/supervisor training needs. Marlin was recommended to me by a colleague who described him as an effective resource in customer service training. I was not disappointed.

After an informative conference call to discuss the detailed training needs of our cooperative, Marlin outlined an effective and engaging training program for all our employees in dealing with stress in the workplace. This presentation was well-received and enjoyed as noted on the evaluations received from our employees.

I was so satisfied with the customer service training our employees received, a few months later I asked Marlin to return and present a session called “Lead, Don’t Boss” to our managerial staff. Once again, his training presentation hit the mark and managers took away tools to use in leading their employees.

Through Marlin’s real-life work experiences in various industries, he can relate to the employees, and his sense of humor keeps everyone engaged. Marlin is a pleasure and easy to work with, and seems to genuinely love what he is doing.

Again, I highly recommend Marlin for your employee training needs and would be glad to discuss our training experience with you.

Annette Riley
Manager of Human Resources

Dear Distinguished Professional,

The Laurel/Jones County Chamber of Commerce was quite pleased with the presentation given by Marlin Williams. Marlin was challenged to provide an inspirational presentation for emerging business leaders in our community.

Marlin’s presentation was well planned and on point, combining the topics of leadership and community development. His delivery was personable and engaging. Marlin has diversified experience in broadcast journalism and in business. He told stories from both time periods of his life that were humorous, inspirational and educational for the audience. Marlin’s style combines past experience with practical wisdom.

Without our reservation, we would bring Marlin back to our area to speak and would certainly recommend him to others.

Ross W. Tucker
President and CEO

Panola Paper

I give my highest regards about our experience with MLT Communications and Marlin Williams. If you want your company, school, or any other entity to thrive, I emplore you to seek the energy and knowledge that Marlin and MLT offer. With 100% transparency, I was very skeptical about how well a motivational speaker could possibly engage and energize our sales force who range in age from the mid-twenties to early-seventies, but Marlin blew me away.

The biggest takeaway our team gained from the session was about learning various personality styles, and strategies on how to close the sale based on the person you are selling to. We had our session six weeks ago and still, on a regular basis, members of our team will share a memory from the session and apply it to a situation they are facing now. I have eagerly watched each person become not only a better salesman/woman but also a better person overall through “self-coaching,” a term Marlin taught our company.

As the General Manager of our company, I tend to stay busy, but this session also taught me many lessons as well. One being learning the personality style someone has and quickly adjusting to accommodate that style to best suit them. Through fun exercises with Marlin, the day of the session, I learned the personality style of each member of our sales force and now know how to approach them to get the desired level of performance that we need to remain a growing business.

Marlin presented the material in a fun and interactive way that kept each person engaged throughout the entire presentation. We benefited immensely from taking the time to invest in our sales team and in return they are investing back in our company with a newfound confidence that Marlin was able to bring out in them. He handled himself in a professional manner and worked with our company to deliver exactly what we needed. If you are looking for a breath of fresh air and wisdom for your entity in any facet, I encourage you to seek out the assistance of Marlin Williams and MLT Communications.

Ellen Maddox
General Manager